Kap 45 exclusive ace
Kap 45 exclusive ace

kap 45 exclusive ace

kap 45 exclusive ace

That is one of the Heading modes in KAP140 that direction when heading bug OBS operated. Toggle other mode and approach (APR) mode when APR button pushed and following marker beacon, VOR, GPS and ILS (localizer and glide slope) for automatic approach.This mode is recommended for instrument approach. The REV button enables the back course mode having the autopilot flying away from the runway.This mode is like APR mode except that the direction is away from the localizer (LOC) and that glide slope (GS) is not used. Use the ALT button to toggle between vertical speed (VS) and altitude hold (ALT) modes.In altitude hold mode the UP and DN buttons change the altitude by 20 feet per press. The ARM button enables altitude preselect by the rotary knob using procedure below, pushing it again disables altitude preselect.Input the current atmospheric pressure using the BARO button and rotary knob.Check that the display is showing altitude and set your desired altitude, using the rotary knob.Set your desired vertical speed using UP and DN button.Press the ARM button that is enable ARM mode.The BARO button sets the atmospheric pressure.When pushed long, it switches the setting display to hPa (and back) (hint: you can do InHGhPa conversion easily with this) When the BARO button is pushed, enter desired atmospheric pressure using the rotary dial/knob. Press the AP button to deactivate the autopilot.The horizontal and vertical modes can not be activated independently. Please read the Pilot's Guide for complete instructions on the use of the KAP140 Autopilot system. Not certified for use below 200ft AGL, below 80 or above 160 knots IAS or when alternate static port is active.Only activate when flaps are retracted.


Do not override the autopilot with flight controls, instead deactivate it temporarily to make manual adjustmens.Don't activate it when in an unstable or mistrimmed flight attitude.It also has no autoland capability, so it can't land you based on ILS signals.Do not activate the autopilot near the ground (takeoff, landing) or at low speeds: it will mess up and may crash you into the ground. It will not rescue you out of a stall, so watch the airspeed regularly.Tough it will try(!) to stabilize the plane, this is unsafe. If the plane slows down, the autopilot will increase pitch to maintain the VS/ALT mode ordered, putting you into a stall. Disengage the autopilot and manually stabilize your flight.

Kap 45 exclusive ace